They said that the company paid substandard wages and that it fired two workers who had attempted to organize a union.
You must be willing to work long and hard at substandard wages.
The union said the construction company paid substandard wages.
Our problem is with the contractors who are exploiting them, giving them substandard wages and no benefits.
High-tech companies love H-1B visa workers because they will work extremely long hours for substandard wages.
They need you and your willingness to break your backs for them for substandard wages.
For the past two years there has been a freeze on the already substandard wages paid these workers.
However, a large pool of unemployed who will accept substandard wages and conditions remains available.
Zion was a one company town and its workers were paid substandard wages.
"They make their illegal profits by grossly underpaying men and women who are forced to work for substandard wages."