It is very easy, however, to fake the symptoms, especially with the substandard medical equipment in Dolahn's hospital.
Mystification suffered from exceptionally poor production resulting, ironically, from the substandard equipment at a new studio the band hoped would improve their sound.
We toil in mines with substandard equipment.
However, this becomes an incentive for him to purchase inexpensive, substandard equipment.
Mr. Woodward, in an interview, said substandard equipment was compounded by a lack of training in the fingerprint system.
It was just a matter of time, firefighters said, because there were too few men to do the job and substandard equipment to work with.
Damned substandard equipment.
For the first time since I arrived on Sarindar, the substandard equipment is working in my favor.
A method must be found to enable the Member States to exclude substandard equipment from the market without affecting competitiveness.
The fact that the ship's existing supplies had barely lasted eight months suggests that the dockyard may have installed substandard equipment.