NPD is comorbid with mood disorders, eating disorders, substance-related disorders and four personality disorders: antisocial, borderline, histrionic and paranoid, according to a user-uploaded open source Community Video.
On average, general medical facilities hold 20% of patients with substance-related disorders, possibly leading to psychiatric disorders later on.
Substance-induced psychosis is a form of substance-related disorder where psychosis can be attributed to substance use.
Addiction psychiatry; focuses on evaluation and treatment of individuals with alcohol, drug, or other substance-related disorders, and of individuals with dual diagnosis of substance-related and other psychiatric disorders.
As many as half met the psychological criteria for substance-related disorder.
Many psychiatric disorders feature impulsivity, including substance-related disorders, paraphilias, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, antisocial personality disorder, conduct disorder, schizophrenia and mood disorders.
Or consider "substance-related disorders" like these: Caffeine intoxication, which can lead to Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder or Substance-induced sleep disorder.
Individuals may also be at greater than average risk of experiencing major depressive disorder, agoraphobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder or alcohol and substance-related disorders.
Pastorius suffered from mental illness including a substance-related disorder, and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 1982.
Substance abuse is a form of substance-related disorder.