Superfluidity is a special quantum state of matter in which a substance flows with zero viscosity.
Inside the filaments flowed a watery substance, some kind of energy generation or natural waterfall that changed colors every few moments.
"As it warms, the substance will flow more easily, like lamp oil."
The substance flows through my veins, and lives in the heart of every pyromancer.
Also, dangerous substances could flow in, along with the drug, while the brain's defenses are down.
One story says that blood did not flow from his decapitated body, but rather, a white milky substance flowed through his neck.
Any substance, no matter how brittle, will flow if sufficient pressure is brought to bear from all sides.
Instantly the shadows seemed to sag, as if their dark substance was flowing out of them.
It seemed that, in time, all the substance from one image would flow into the other and only one would remain: Leo.
The earth's substances must also flow into this astral body.