Many also maintain aspects of indigenous cultural practices to varying degrees, including religion, social organization and subsistence practices.
(See Culture below for more information on traditional subsistence practices.)
It is my intention here to suggest that our view on the relationship between ancient Maya culture and its environment, particularly with regard to subsistence practices, has been totally wrong.
The subsistence practices of Yangshao people were varied.
The villages that had a significant portion of rice production were also changing as farmers went from more subsistence practices to mostly wage labor (exchange labor also virtually disappeared).
They also are important to a variety of species vital to subsistence practices for local indigenous groups, who unfortunately see little to none of the economic benefits of petroleum.
Land tenure conflicts and ecologically destructive subsistence farming practices (slash and burn agriculture), exacerbated by poverty, also pose problems for the environment.
The site has been dated to 5850 years before the present, and it contains significant evidence documenting prehistoric technology, subsistence practices and social organization over the course of several centuries.
Their subsistence practices and technology were considered extremely simple, and nomadism made them secretive and evasive.
Many farmers recognize the difference between symbolic and actual land ownership and feel as though the government is undermining their subsistence practices.