And in Israel, where the average monthly income for a family is about $1,050, many workers earn little more than subsistence incomes even if they are working.
While many residents continue to fish, it barely provides a subsistence income.
He opposes in particular Republican plans to eliminate the Federal guarantee of a subsistence income for all who qualify.
Erm but it might mean that in fact we do need to reconsider what we mean by subsistence income.
Most people in the area are on subsistence incomes supplemented by family members working in the cities or abroad.
In an era of fast food, subsistence incomes don't make for a culinary culture.
The cost of launderettes is prohibitive on a subsistence income - so the washing gets done in the sink.
The subsistence income in Nepal is estimated at $450 or less a year.
That is why the introduction at European level of a minimum subsistence income or its expansion to all Member States is important.
In return, the women are increasing their families' subsistence income.