Hunting was poor, and they subsisted mainly on snails and worms.
Around 1888, iron ore supplies were nearly exhausted and the railway was subsisting mainly for transport of lumber.
Mel, who subsists mainly on a patent medicine to calm his stomach, joins the operation against his better judgment.
While this species mainly subsists on fish, it is opportunistic and may take a wider variety of prey such as waterbirds.
For nearly a week, they subsisted mainly on coconuts.
It subsisted mainly on city funding and community support; there was at least one federal grant in the beginning.
In prosperity they mainly subsisted on fish, or game killed with the bow and arrow.
They subsist mainly on shifting cultivation, hunting and fishing.
The Ohlone subsisted mainly as hunter-gatherers and in some ways harvesters.
They lived in the shadow of the great reptiles, subsisting mainly on insects.