The Onondaga Nation spent $1.5 million on a subsequent upgrade to passports designed to meet 21st century international security requirements.
In subsequent upgrades, the 25 mm anti-aircraft weaponry increased to 46 sets by 1944, and then to 52 sets and finally 61 sets by July 1944 on the surviving ships.
A combination of improved banding features and satellite intensity estimates by the afternoon of August 14 led to the subsequent upgrade of the system to Tropical Storm Earl.
B.'s purchase of the LAG's infrastructure on 1 January 1908 for 3.5 million gold marks and the subsequent upgrade of the line.
Most of these were included in the GPL 2004 Demo but there have been subsequent upgrades.
When the network collapsed during a subsequent upgrade, Twitter was awash with users claiming BlackBerry was on its way out.
Mr. Goodhue's plan for the site included a number of additional features which evolved during subsequent upgrades.
The REpower 5M 5-megawatt turbine was the largest commercial turbine until the subsequent upgrade of this unit to provide significant more power, named "6M".
The Mine Museum went through subsequent further upgrades.
Later versions are the subsequent upgrade of earlier units.