It is offering a discount card good for $15 off the nightly rate on subsequent stays at 36 of its hotels.
All of the younger Mr. Appo's subsequent stays as a guest of the state were to protect the public from him.
In light of Abigail's reaction, whether Sally Hemings matured on her subsequent stay in Paris to become Jefferson's lover is an intriguing question.
During his subsequent stay with Reverend Marsden at Parramatta Ruatara asks that someone be sent to the Bay of Islands to teach reading and writing.
Sheepskin keeps prices the same all year round and has a special launch offer giving guests a 20% discount on an Easter break and all subsequent stays for the rest of their lives.
Two years of treatment with Breuer did not save her from at least three subsequent stays in a sanatorium, nor from a morphine addiction.
This journey was of great interest to Agassiz, and its scientific value was heightened by a subsequent stay of nearly two months at Ithaca, N.Y., on his return.
During his subsequent stay in prison, he started writing poetry.
He mentions a single suicide scare and subsequent stay in a psychiatric ward; friends allude to more than one.
His subsequent stay in a hospital inspired his next film Daibyonin, a grim satire on the Japanese health system.