This makes Clytemnestra's subsequent slaughter of her husband Agamemnon more understandable, deepening and softening her character.
Although she performs this action, she seems conflicted and pained by its repercussions (mainly the subsequent slaughter of raiders).
Mr. Matthus sought to transform this tale of an adolescent's rapturous short love affair with a Countess and his subsequent slaughter into an antiwar statement.
Russian capture of Vilnius (August 9, 1655), and the subsequent slaughter of its residents convinced Lithuanian nobility that Swedish protection was the best solution.
After the swine-flu epidemic and the subsequent slaughter of pigs, chicken replaced pork as the most widely consumed meat in the Haitian diet.
The chief beneficiary of the covert action, and of the subsequent slaughter, was Henry Kissinger.
It would seem that the lady had not been too distressed at either, her recent ravishment, nor by the subsequent slaughter of her escort and erstwhile malefactors.
Anluan crashed into a post and fell in a little heap at its base, spared the sight of the subsequent slaughter.
The case for emergency protective vaccination, without subsequent slaughter, was supported by the evidence and it was recommended that contingency plans should include emergency barrier, or ring.
Do the potential benefits to us of interrogation outweigh the benefit to him of a trial's world forum and subsequent slaughter of hostages?