Definition: The successful purchase and subsequent sale of forementioned purchased (stocks).
Most car makers do not allow their cars to be sold to third parties for subsequent sale to end users.
Due to Saab's bankruptcy and the marque's subsequent sale, the planned third generation 9-3 has been put on hold.
This grant was later described at a subsequent sale as:
Following a successful management buyout, and subsequent sale, Williams became a millionaire.
Tafoya left in the mid-90's after a subsequent sale of the station to new owners.
However, in those situations where a cancellation occurs, the house is not re-counted upon a subsequent sale to another customer.
However, in many cases the subsequent sale never happened, as the community's economic growth failed to lend itself to competition between multiple television broadcasters.
The subsequent sale of those licenses could bring in an additional $8.7 billion by 2001, Government officials say.
As a result, Citicorp would be unable to include the trademark in any subsequent sale.