Few subsequent researchers have produced similar results.
His description, though elementary compared to current knowledge, set the groundwork and sparked interest in this topic for subsequent researchers.
These ideas have been explored by several subsequent researchers in a variety of disciplinary contexts.
The estimates of deaths due to expulsions have been criticized by subsequent researchers.
Only later was a model adopted by subsequent researchers as a description of a decentralized dynamic economy.
This provided an objective, cumulative base of data about behaviour, which subsequent researchers could check and supplement.
That negative judgement has been no reaffirmed by subsequent researchers in Hungary and abroad.
Arundell first identified the building as a basilica and the plan published by him became a guide for subsequent researchers.
However, subsequent researchers have occasionally critiqued Walker's methodology, preconceptions or findings.
The statement of results is the point at which these regrets can be voiced, since they can guide subsequent researchers in the field.