comfora purpose which some of the Sergeant's subsequent remarks helped me to understand.
I can't honestly agree that it was quite as dumb as one or two subsequent remarks of Wolfe's might seem to indicate.
The reference is to Warrick's arrest in October for accepting discounted clothes and his subsequent remark about the scandal that erupted.
Mr. Karcher's microphone was cut off, and his subsequent remarks were heard only by those around him.
However, subsequent remarks suggested that this type of analysis did take place, but not in any formalized fashion.
But his body language and subsequent remarks - at one point Wilson described himself as crushed - revealed the mind-set of a fearful young man.
But the earlier tapes and the president's subsequent remarks offering regret only seemed to inflame the students watching him on television monitors downstairs.
In his subsequent remarks, though, he said that:
I caught the words for "foolish," and "clumsy," in the subsequent remarks, but quickly stopped listening.
See Ramer's subsequent remarks on this topic, pp.