She also stated that her marriage to professional basketball player Shannon Brown in November 2010 and their subsequent relocation to Arizona contributed to that idea.
A change-of-address form dated three months later, and an apartment lease shortly after that documented the Mendelsohn family's subsequent relocation to Paris, France.
It was the main home of Sagawa Express Tokyo S.C. before that club's merger with its Osaka-based sister club and subsequent relocation to Shiga.
Bergman's participation in Xanadu also led indirectly to her eviction from her apartment in New York and her subsequent relocation to California.
In 1977, due to Tesluk's marriage and subsequent relocation to Colorado, the group decided to split.
The law, and the subsequent relocation of the statue, sparked fury in Moscow.
However, his acting career was soon set back by his parents' divorce and the subsequent relocation of Kulich and his mother to Montreal, Canada.
The School continued to work in the capital city of undivided Punjab till its subsequent relocation to the holy city of Amritsar in 1920.
For a time, the agency was a part of the Arkansas Revenue Department, creating a working relationship that transcended all subsequent relocations of the enforcement group.
Ocean was inspired to make the mixtape after Hurricane Katrina in his native New Orleans and his subsequent relocation to Los Angeles.