A subsequent refusal by 258 black sailors to load any more ammunition was the beginning of the Navy's largest-ever mutiny trial in which 50 men were found guilty.
England were awarded 5 penalty runs and this event was the catalyst for the subsequent refusal to continue the match (after the tea interval) by the Pakistan team.
Any parent refusing to attend may be so ordered by the court and on subsequent refusal will be charged with contempt of court.
Their subsequent refusal to work his land or sell him goods forced him to return to England.
The sector's subsequent refusal to return the crystals sparks a declaration of war between the Inhumans and the United States.
Sadly, Cooley's subsequent refusal to accept first-hand observations that in any way contradicted his hypotheses made him the object of ridicule.
Afterwards, his reputation was not improved by his involvement and association with the trials, nor by his subsequent refusal to denounce them.
When a chattel had been found, and there was a subsequent refusal to deliver it to the owner, it was taken as evidence that a conversion had occurred.
The effect of Henry's excommunication, and his subsequent refusal to repent left a turbulence in central Europe that lasted throughout the Middle Ages.
Whether the rider retakes A or not, a subsequent refusal at B is a second refusal and so on.