The 10 percent credit was still in effect during the 1981-82 recession and made little if any difference during the subsequent recovery.
Instead, the management kept it open, and has seen its judgement vindicated by the subsequent recovery.
For example, he correctly anticipated the timing of both the 1990-91 recession and the subsequent recovery.
However, there was some subsequent recovery in numbers.
Despite his subsequent recovery to something like his old form, Fox hasn't quite been able to stop the shrinking process.
A subsequent economic recovery followed, but unemployment was slow to fall, and 1 million were still out of work in June 1924 (9.2 per cent).
The reason the employment picture looks so bad now is the unprecedented weakness of job growth in the subsequent recovery.
But the subsequent recovery has been weak and uneven.
The presentation focused on his brain tumor diagnosis and subsequent recovery.
The story of the zebra's rescue and subsequent recovery received substantial coverage from local media.