Unfortunately for the subsequent peace of Munster these projects were not carried out.
He rejoins Arcoll and is instrumental in bringing about the disarmament of the native uprising and the subsequent peace.
The subsequent peace spurred a period of prosperity: Reggio adopted new statutes, had a mint, schools with celebrated masters, and developed its trades and arts.
He became commander-in-chief at Plymouth in June 1763 during the subsequent peace, and was promoted to vice-admiral on 21 October that year.
At the end of the Franco-Prussian War in 1871 an oak tree was planted in Oevenum to celebrate the subsequent peace.
After the downfall of Prussia and the subsequent peace, he was one of the most active as Scharnhorst's assistants in the work of reorganization (1809).
The main lines along which military events progress, and to which they are restricted, are political lines that continue throughout the war into the subsequent peace.
In the event, Scipio achieved a decisive victory at Zama, and the subsequent peace stripped Carthage of its fleet.
It was intended to advise the U.S. Government on conduct in the war and the subsequent peace.
During that period he had co-operated closely with the government in the war against the French and in the subsequent peace.