The Front also fought in the subsequent liberation of eastern Ukraine.
The divisions changed over time to reflect losses of territory to Ottoman conquest and subsequent liberation of the same territory, changes of political status of Dalmatia, Dubrovnik and Istria.
Bratton remained with the Intelligence Division until assigned to George S. Patton's Third Army as Headquarters Commandant, a role he undertook all throughout the subsequent liberation of Europe.
His reportage on the Bangladesh War and its subsequent liberation by Indian forces were keenly awaited by listeners of the radio.
Following the Battle of Maipú and the subsequent liberation of Chile, the patriots began the preparations for an amphibious assault force to liberate Peru.
After commanding a platoon in storming the beach, he was promoted to command a company, and later a battalion in the subsequent liberation of France.
The relationship with USSR was tested (and proven) during the 1971 war with Pakistan, which led to the subsequent liberation of Bangladesh.
Invasions by foreign powers and subsequent liberation (or absence of liberation) have put other states in similar positions.