If the former, one might expect that voice to relax and broaden in subsequent installments of the series.
HA) as the series' primary character designer for every subsequent installment.
Of course, Peck might be able to clear up everything in subsequent installments, but he's got his work cut out for him.
Yet even as the subsequent installments sometimes affirm that thought, they also contradict it in fascinating ways.
He did not reprise the role in any of the subsequent installments.
This campaign will be salvaged or savaged by the subsequent installments.
Holmes miraculously survived the fall, a subsequent installment showed, and Doyle got some peace from his fans at least.
These different Guard Impact types have been kept in subsequent installments of the game.
It also allowed earlier returns on investment to help cover production costs of subsequent installments.
But of course, there is much more to the face and our ideas of beauty than that, as made clear in the subsequent installments.