George Vason recorded the chiefs' meeting and Tuku'aho's subsequent installation.
The release for subsequent installation of such parts however, may only be made by the holder of an AME licence.
This led to an inspection by a government official, and the subsequent installation of a receiving box.
Early recognition of the impracticality of using these guns for anti-aircraft fire caused reduction of maximum elevation to 55 in all subsequent installations.
Along the way, they have allowed visitors' reactions - their participation, as it were - to affect subsequent installations.
As a result, combined with the subsequent installation of additional shops, the station has lost its former generosity and openness.
None were required when the hotel was built, and there were no local safety codes that required subsequent installation.
Some elements, such as the use of wood and a modular or "quilted" structure would factor prominently into subsequent installations.
Does the Commission consider that this Volvo factory, which makes cabs for subsequent installation on completed lorries, is producing finished goods, or parts of lorries?
With the subsequent installation of several university courses, Marília attracted more people to the region, which accelerated the development of the city as a commercial & industrial hub.