For example, one experiment found that customers of a jewelry store who were called and thanked showed a subsequent 70% increase in purchases.
Only very small subsequent increases in these neural functions are seen after this plateau effect.
That could make the subsequent increase in sales taxes even more burdensome and reduce the overall benefits to the economy.
The lifestyle changes associated with the discovery of oil and the subsequent increase in wealth is one contributing factor.
With the subsequent increase in population from these migrations, Msgr.
Any subsequent increases should be seen in that context.
Patients in whom there was a subsequent increase in disease activity were allocated to the alternative treatment group.
There was a subsequent increase to £12.00 per year, but during 2007 a discounted price of £10.00 applies.
The advent of crack and the subsequent increase in drug-related crime left the Governor little choice but to make room for more prisoners, they say.
Genotype 3 underwent a subsequent increase in population size until the 1960s.