Oscar's crime and subsequent imprisonment - surely major events in his life - are alluded to only vaguely.
He then quickly came up with a plan that would lead to the capture and subsequent imprisonment of most of the "Butchers" gang members.
Terranova helped bring numerous Mafiosi to trial and subsequent imprisonment.
In prison, Isao considers the reasons for the failure of his plot and subsequent imprisonment.
Statements like these led to a long trial, and his subsequent imprisonment for 11 years in a Baghdad prison.
They went on to produce four children, one of which was disabled; this led to their arrest and subsequent imprisonment in 1997.
One of the prisoners, Warlock, did not survive subsequent imprisonment.
A fact that in no way violates the terms of our surrender and subsequent imprisonment.
"Perhaps, but that was hardly your fault, and I think people know the true political motivations behind your subsequent imprisonment."
The British became aware of their error only on his capture and subsequent imprisonment.