While this province in theory included all of modern Uruguay and Paraguay and large segments of Chile, Argentina and Brazil, the 'adelantados' were only able to effectively colonization the Paraná River, losing other territories to subsequent grants.
The original 1866 grant placed the crest atop a helm, but this was removed in subsequent grants.
The following subsequent grants seem also to admit the Indian privilege: December 26, 1679.
The facilities and services provided by Unit 1 demonstrated the value and need for community rehabilitation services, which resulted in subsequent grants being received from the Provincial and Federal Governments toward the cost of building and equipping Units 2,3 and 4.
However, in such cases (assuming other parts of the anti-avoidance test are met), the option will be disapplied in relation to the second and subsequent grants.
They have too much for subsequent grants to make much of a difference, and too little for them to be committed to the same extent that management or founders are.
This association of the two manors was repeated on subsequent grants.
In 1960, the Guggenheim Memorial Foundation awarded Friedlander a grant to focus on his art and made subsequent grants in 1962 and 1977.
He was also the director of public relations and statistics for the Cape Cod Summer Baseball League from 1967-71 during which time the league received full NCAA accreditation and subsequent financial grants from Major League Baseball.
These and subsequent grants of native labor and tribute provided approximately 500 conquistadores and early settlers, about half of whom resided in Mexico City, with the means to support themselves, their families, and retainers without engaging in manual labor.