Burge attempted to have the ruling overturned, but the suspension and subsequent firing was upheld.
Something was very wrong with all this: the blackout on Earth, the subsequent firing on the Enterprise that conveniently put her sensors out of commission.
Preliminary firing prior to glazing and subsequent firing again.
More information will become available upon subsequent firings.
You, Lieut. Gatewood and I got on our feet at the first shot, and the quick subsequent firing immediately indicated what was up.
Reasons for his leave and subsequent firing are unclear.
In all the actors so far, nothing an action firing did would in any way affect subsequent firings of actions of the same actor.
Using state variables, action firings can leave information behind for subsequent firings of either the same or a different action of the same actor.
During subsequent firing there were many casualties.
Gradually or during subsequent firings, the flame or heat source (e.g. Kanthal heating elements) can be turned up higher.