He pulled no punches and presented a critical assessment of Morrell's handling of the operation and its subsequent fallout.
The war and subsequent nuclear fallout severely depopulated the country, leaving large expanses of property decaying from neglect.
The subsequent fallout in the cycling community was devastating to Huffy, but not surprising considering the nature of the athletes involved.
The subsequent fallout from this affair forms the basis for most of the first series.
The episode parodies the Lance Armstrong doping scandal and subsequent fallout.
The play is about the end of a three-decade marriage and the subsequent emotional fallout.
The subsequent fallout later forced Mr Blunkett to resign.
(Mr. Pyne's script doesn't do nearly enough with this mishap and its subsequent fallout.)
The hills surrounding the city did much to contain the subsequent atomic fallout.
Chaitin has written a number of books about his endeavors and the subsequent philosophic and mathematical fallout from them.