It is thought that few survived the bloody upheavals caused by the Crusader invasion in 1229 and their subsequent expulsion by the Muslims in 1291.
His subsequent expulsion from the squad ended his international career after 21 appearances, although he maintained his innocence.
Experts say Morocco's occupation of and subsequent expulsion from Perejil has forced the enclave issue onto the diplomatic agenda.
In Beijing, some weeks later, Foreign Ministry officials told colleagues of mine privately that they opposed my arrest and subsequent expulsion but had been overruled by the security apparatus.
It is before the original sin and subsequent expulsion from Eden: no snake is visible as Eve points out the forbidden fruit to Adam.
There is an interesting history associated with the split in the Blyth Labour Party following Eddie Milne's deselection as parliamentary candidate and subsequent expulsion in the early 1970s.
The project continued until the Communist overthrow of Haile Selassie I and the subsequent expulsion of foreigners from Ethiopia.
Haar points out that the Centre Against Expulsions includes deaths in the wartime flight with the subsequent expulsions.
The threat perceived by the Jordanian king, and his subsequent expulsion of the threatening elements, had ruined Badrayn's family, not that he'd especially cared at the time.
In Khartoum, Zawahiri set about reorganizing Islamic Jihad... Describes their subsequent expulsion.