Feeling braced after his mad ride and the subsequent narrow escape, Cluny strode to the ditch's edge.
The video shows an abusive father mistreating his children in the house, and the subsequent escape of the children from their father.
Yet if he revealed this, his identity would be known to anyone aware of the transplant and his subsequent escape.
"Your little Buddha theft and the subsequent escape left three Chinese citizens dead."
Ivan gave him a dirty look, but, taking his tone from Miles, offered a brief factual description of the Ba's subsequent escape.
The end of the book details his subsequent escape to China and attempts to seek asylum before escaping to South Korea.
She had kept her nerve during the fight and the subsequent escape, though death came very close.
He wrote a narrative of his life as a slave, and his subsequent escape from his master.
His subsequent escape became one of medieval England's most colourful episodes.
He was awarded the Iron Cross First Class for his subsequent escape.