He and subsequent emperors lived instead at the smaller Hall of Mental Cultivation to the west.
The subsequent emperors ruthlessly eliminated powerful men and potential successors.
The structure is dominated by Persian gardens influence that deepened with the successive refurbishments by subsequent emperors.
The Juvenalia continued to be celebrated by subsequent emperors, but not on the same occasion.
They served as palanquin bearers of all subsequent emperors and retired emperors.
The solid brick masonry complex was later extended and modified by subsequent emperors.
Several subsequent emperors gave the Minamoto surname to their non-heir sons.
In later centuries, subsequent emperors considered the Duke of Zhou a paragon of virtue and honored him with posthumous names.
Which appears from several imperial diplomas that confirm previous donations made to him by the King Liutprand of the 8th century and by subsequent emperors.
Under subsequent emperors, Games were celebrated on both the Augustan and the Claudian systems.