The gear is then shipped to three collection centers for subsequent distribution.
The second part was for the subsequent distribution of this wealth to benevolent causes.
With his excellent memory, Louis could then see who attended him at court and who was absent, facilitating the subsequent distribution of favours and positions.
In his autobiography Pete Burns strongly criticizes its subsequent illegal distribution and those fans who continue to buy it.
All trilobites are thought to have originated in present day Siberia, with subsequent distribution and radiation from this location.
Only after you have taken out an amount equal to all the premiums that you have paid will you run into an income tax on subsequent distributions.
Coastal ports serving as initial points of contact often benefited from access to imported goods, reaping profits from their own subsequent distribution to regions inland.
The project was predominantly self-funded, but made effective use of Kickstarter to raise the money needed for post production work and subsequent distribution.
However, members from one organization did not typically use e-mail because of the lack of security and the inability to control subsequent distribution.
In addition, the subsequent distribution, metabolism, and excretion of TCE metabolites are qualitatively similar among species.