GNTS employed more than 800 people but was dissolved in 2001, a casualty of the dot-com collapse and subsequent contraction in demand for network services.
Raguet concluded that the depression was a result of bank credit expansion and the subsequent contraction as physical money was drained from the bank's vaults.
The subsequent contraction of the savings and loan industry left downtown San Diego with millions of square feet of unused office space.
Passive filling of the (heart) ventricle and subsequent atrial contraction thus allows an echocardiographically volumetric measurement.
The subsequent contraction of credit across the financial system led to a further reduction of lending and liquidity and exacerbated home price declines.
New York City's economy, badly shaken by the stock market's collapse three years ago and the subsequent contraction in Wall Street employment, is now moving in the opposite direction.
Water enters the mantle cavity around the sides of the funnel, and subsequent contraction of the hyponome expands and then contracts, expelling a jet of water.
This causes synchronous contraction of the ventricles due to better matching of the excitation and the subsequent contraction among the cardiac muscle cells.
The subsidiary was hit by the peso's plunge in late 1994 and the subsequent Mexican economic contraction.
Bank runs first appeared as part of cycles of credit expansion and its subsequent contraction.