The immediate first-round effects are often offset by subsequent adjustments; and to know the full impact of a tax, one needs to trace through all its consequences.
This has meant verifying Israel's pull-back across a frontier imperfectly defined in 1923, with subsequent small adjustments, according to contemporary maps.
You may need to make subsequent adjustments to the amount of tax that you deduct if:
The Church has a number of Romanesque features, but also Gothic elements, who so the result will be subsequent adjustments.
It has to be avoided that a change in CSS class means a subsequent adjustment of all tests.
The level of tuition fee charged from 2012 entry should be the maximum permissible, i.e. £9,000 pa with any subsequent adjustment for inflationary increases.
Classification of children's peer status (popular, neglected or rejected) has been found to predict subsequent adjustment.
If subsequent additional adjustments in distribution appear warranted, they will be made at that time.
I would be pleased if that went more quickly; perhaps it could incorporate scope for subsequent adjustment.
The cardinal rule is that the mother-child relationship is vital for early life and determines subsequent social adjustment.