Upon this period rests the foundations of many of Europe's subsequent achievements.
The subsequent legislative achievements in civil rights and health insurance, however, would be left for Lyndon Johnson to achieve.
The original coach was Orno Taylor, whose subsequent achievements were lost to history.
Nevertheless, the subsequent achievements of proof theory at the very least clarified consistency as it relates to theories of central concern to mathematicians.
"Crucial to its birth and its subsequent achievements was the extraordinary courage of women's groups."
But they come to us in such a rainbow of glory that all subsequent achievement appears dull and earthly in comparison.
His subsequent achievement in developing hip replacement surgery, in 1962, is acknowledged as a ground breaking development that changed the approach to orthopaedic surgery.
This reinforced class divisions in subsequent vocational achievement and earning potential.
Their early struggles are an inspiration, still, to us all, their subsequent achievements are, still, awesome.
Their subsequent achievements were all the more remarkable considering that the backbone of that triumphant team comprised players already at Forest when they arrived.