Games were generally available over the satellite transmission and as such did not require the user to go online to download game data (except when submitting high scores).
At least 513 composers, and probably many more, submitted scores by the closing date.
There is also no evidence that guidance counselors are advising students to skip testing, and most applicants still submit scores to test-optional colleges.
Students must instead submit scores from an SAT test to be taken this spring to qualify.
Approximately 1/3 of applicants do not submit scores; Bates non-submitting students averaged only 0.05 points lower on their collegiate Grade Point Average.
Tapulous also offered a thirty-day giveaway of autographed The Fame albums to other fans who submitted scores.
Colleges that allows applicants to submit scores from any of these tests, rather than just the SAT, aren't sacrificing anything.
In addition to the usual uncertainties, they will be the first to submit scores from the new SAT.
Applicants must submit scores and tapes by Jan. 10; one can call 966-4416 for eligibility and entrance requirements.
Companies that have required some or all job applicants to submit WorkKeys scores include: