After traversing the 45 miles, it will be plucked out through another shaft by a tethered submersible robot.
In the control room, the submersible robot is operated by four people, sitting at workstations with television screens.
A second submersible robot was loaded on a Navy ship yesterday and was expected to arrive at the search site early this morning, Ms. Brown said.
The densest patches of wreckage there are being salvaged by Navy divers, accompanied by a submersible robot.
A robot submersible operated from the Polar Explorer.
A seven-ton submersible robot held pride of place.
Films taken by a submersible robot established that the ship had sunk as a result of a large explosion.
A submersible robot, being lowered on a crane over the side of a ship.
The Sawfish harvester is a submersible robot produced by the Triton Logging Inc..
The work is seen as a stage in developing an autonomous submersible robot that could explore the ocean on Jupiter's moon Europa.