Frogmen, but no Boat Across the Arctic, rumors of submarine movements abound.
Maybe this was just routine Allied procedure to guard the gap and also keep an eye on Russian submarine movements.
I don't think a regular submarine movement along the Arctic waters north of Russia, heading east, would even attract anyone's attention.
He learned important information about German submarine movements and managed to escape, drawing fire as he helped others flee.
The Navy invested billions of dollars each year in an attempt to keep a reasonable accounting of Soviet submarine movements.
The listening post has been used to monitor air traffic, submarine movements and a variety of electronic communications in the southern United States.
Detailed information about submarine movements was available.
They said the ship was monitoring Russian submarine movements but was far from the scene of the accident.
Such detailed information on the North Korean submarine movements, and attack position, was not in the official summary or final report.
From September 1940, pretending to collaborate with the Germans, he used his position to inform Allied forces of submarine movements at Lorient.