The Court of Inquiry concluded that Maine was destroyed by the explosion of a submarine mine.
The modern era of defending American harbors with submarine mines (originally referred to as "torpedos") began in the post-Civil War period.
He contributed papers to the RGSC on the submarine mine at Wherrytown, near Penzance.
Prior to World War II, the Mining Casemate at the fort (see map) controlled all the submarine mines that protected the southern approaches to Boston Harbor.
Beginning around the start of the 20th century, submarine mines played a major role in the defense of U.S. harbors against enemy attack.
A small permanent battery of artillery for the forts and engineers to work the submarine mines was established.
Penzance also had its own submarine mine situated off the coast of the town next to the area known as Wherrytown.
Alfred Nobel Nobel was born in Stockholm, the son of an inventor who manufactured submarine mines and torpedoes for the Russian government.
They looked rather like the detonating horns of a submarine mine, but there was a glint of crystal at the tip-end of each.
Both designs carried a submarine mine as armament.