"You mean the program was fitted with subliminal suggestions to the user?"
The concept of subliminal suggestion also depends upon this view of the mind.
He was particularly interested in the effects of drugs and subliminal suggestion.
The kids find the tapes and add subliminal suggestions which turns them into cool parents.
I mean, don't they teach the art of subliminal suggestion at rock schools anymore?
As it stands, a fair few people go away with the subliminal suggestion that they are no use because "they don't work".
It has no intermission, and there is a lot of water around to make the wrong subliminal suggestions.
You've been influenced by subliminal suggestion, ever since those people picked on you to work the Soviet connection.
He knew all about subliminal suggestion: he'd had those commercial tapes doctored for the Trust.
He asked suddenly - 'What makes you say they've had me under subliminal suggestion?'