As to Sir Leicester, he conceives it utterly impossible that anything can be wanting, in any direction, by any one who has the good fortune to be received under that roof; and in a state of sublime satisfaction, he moves among the company, a magnificent refrigerator.
Her genius had consolidated her independence, but it had never stifled those vague longings for submission and self-abnegation which are the sublime satisfaction of a true woman's soul.
Despite the pain, he had the sublime satisfaction of hearing a guest remark, "1 say, Raj Vu, no one ever died at one of your parties!"
He presided over an ever-deepening disorder, which he discovered, no doubt to his sublime satisfaction, he could manipulate to his own good use.
What did I see in this sublime satisfaction?
There was no sign of Rosie, but William was perched on a stool at the bar, surveying the premises with a look of sublime satisfaction.
He could not remember ever feeling such sublime satisfaction in his life as that which he felt when Best Loved Poems of the American People and The Speaker's Companion struck and broke the Library Policeman's nose.
She took sublime satisfaction in that.
But should they manage to find me before I die, their bullets will bring me sublime satisfaction.
All were actuated by the love of country, and but few by the love of fame: and next to the duties of religion, the exercise of those of patriotism excites the highest energy and brings the most sublime satisfaction to the human mind.