Think you that Nature cannot climb Above the world to such a height sublime?
For behold, now they've risen to the sublime height of responsibility by considering the naming of a state shell.
Mr. Chestnutt, partially paralyzed as a young man in a car accident, uses his awareness of limitation to reach sublime heights of emotional insight.
Against this notion, Friedrich Nietzsche argues that a dwarf (the academic scholar) brings even the most sublime heights down to his level of understanding.
No one knew what to say, until Emerson, rising to the sublime heights of which he is sometimes capable, uttered the mot juste.
Moreover, the healthy spirits who had mounted to this sublime height were attractive to many of the Gradgrind school.
For a moment love had lifted him to sublime heights of honor and renunciation.
Where music lifts us to sublime heights, the visual faculty can fascinate us.
The fighting instinct had done valiant work within him in the past hour, but he had not reached so sublime a height as that.
Either way, the work is intensely poetic, and the landscape and sky raise it to sublime heights.