After all, the Mearans regard themselves as a subjugated people.
For supporters, the war was about liberating a subjugated people and drawing a line in the sand that it was America's prerogative to draw after Sept. 11.
"Don't waste the next century attempting to devise ways to frustrate the aspirations of a subjugated people."
No longer just a subjugated people but subjects of the realm, occasionally they were called to the king's parliament in some number.
Its links with Kashmir as a subjugated people today continue to be an impediment in granting its population citizenship of Pakistan.
After uncovering a conspiracy against him, Alai resolves to take firmer control of his nation and guarantee the human rights of his subjugated peoples.
Satire and humour are significant weapons for a subjugated people.
The negative association for an Indian "thing" is a leftover of the colonial attitude towards objects and customs of subjugated people.
The Trolls were a subjugated people, their armies in thrall to the Warlock Lord.
He dwelt among a subjugated people who believed in a single God and He planted his message of kinship among all humans there.