A score of above 80 on the F-scale test indicates that the subject may be suffering from severe psychopathology.
In addition to triple-X-rated sexual harassment, Antilla's subjects also suffered cold, hard job discrimination.
So far, however, as we can now discover, the subjects were not suffering from diabolic possession, but only from hysteria (then called "mother").
I have photographed out train windows in Europe at 1/125 and even 1/60 second and my subject has not suffered.
For example, if someone consistently sees the images as threatening and frightening, the tester might infer that the subject may suffer from paranoia.
The Empire's failure did not mean that its subjects suffered.
"The subject did not suffer from this experiment," he said.
Several Avar tribes and their Gepid subjects suffered particularly high casualties.
The subjects already suffered coronary artery disease in which their arteries had been narrowed by fatty deposits.
Whatever the shape of the table, subjects suffer almost without exception from what he calls 'host or hostess deprivation'.