He knows not to leave before the subject of an investigation indicates he has finished.
Permission to record the interview was sought after subjects had indicated willingness to participate.
Next to the artist's signature on the screen is the sin character, which means "Your Majesty's subject," indicating that the screen was made for royal use.
The subject is indicated by the v- set marker, while the object is indicated by the m- set marker.
Although subjects could indicate more than one positive response, we analyzed the binary outcome of one or more hospitalization for asthma.
The formulations "over the subject" and "over the object" indicate that the predicative expression is expressing a property that is assigned to the subject or to the object.
Whereas the original TCI had statements for which the subject should indicate true or false, the TCI-R has a five-point rating for each statement.
The control subjects indicated on a rating scale that they were less hungry after eating.
Italicized subjects indicate compulsory subjects.
For this study there were both business and military setting scenarios which subjects would read and indicate how likely they were to do the list of behaviors related to that scenario.