To support this statement, asthmatic subjects that are infected with rhinovirus have demonstrated an increase in airway hyperresponsiveness, airway obstruction, and inflammation.
The subjects demonstrated their ability to distinguish between three common objects (plate, cup, and knife) at levels statistically above chance.
Even in this case of semantically defined targets, subjects demonstrated an N2pc contralateral to the target word.
Ordinary subjects who get some benefit from RIV can demonstrate feats of mental strength unusual for them.
All subjects have demonstrated the ability to discriminate between different spatial and temporal patterns of stimulation.
AP possessors and non-AP subjects demonstrated similar patterns of left dorsolateral frontal activity when they performed relative pitch judgments.
Their subjects demonstrate that the established description of Barney as "Fruit and Flower Painter" is inadequate.
The subjects demonstrate the range and depth of his interests; the titles indicate the humor with which he made the facts sparkle.
The bigger the subject, Jastrow demonstrates, the more effective are homely words.
However, I would like to say that the subject of Cambodia very much demonstrates the importance of our topical and urgent debates.