The subcommittee staff sent questionnaires to 224 clinics nationwide and 190 of those responded.
In the hearing, a number of panel members raised questions about the legality of the investigation by the subcommittee staff.
He said, however, that the activities of the subcommittee staff "did not meet the higher standards which this subcommittee has and must adhere to."
After he had publicly disclosed his reports and then met with the subcommittee staff, he got the transfer but no promotion.
The subcommittee staff numbered twenty-one; had others been reached?
In a nine-month investigation, the subcommittee staff examined 212 tax returns filed over 10 years by the American subsidiaries of 36 foreign companies.
A senior member of the subcommittee staff said yesterday, "We are confident that we did not violate the law."
For example, she writes about being summoned to Capitol Hill to meet with subcommittee staff.
The initial meeting with subcommittee staff was at the National Institutes of Health.
Mr. Norton is expected to answer questions put by the subcommittee staff next week in Denver.