Sturgeon range from subtropical to subarctic waters in North America and Eurasia.
The Oyashio Current contains subarctic water that is much colder and fresher than the resident water east of Honshu.
IMS conducts marine science studies in the world's oceans, with special emphasis on arctic and Pacific subarctic waters.
Spiny dogfish sharks live mostly on the bottom in temperate or subarctic waters.
Teuthowenia megalops - found in the subarctic, temperate, and (rarely) subtropical waters of the northern Atlantic Ocean.
Harbour porpoises prefer temperate and subarctic waters.
Calanus finmarchicus is one of the most commonly found species of zooplankton in the subarctic waters of the North Atlantic.
It is a transequatorial migrant, moving toward subarctic waters of the Pacific after raising its young.
About 50 species of seabirds feed in arctic and subarctic waters some in enormous flocks.
These fish are found on the continental shelf in the temperate or subarctic waters of the North Pacific.