He is fully equipped with winter gear for sub-freezing temperatures.
Many people who lost homes covered themselves in blankets against the sub-freezing temperatures.
Winters are normally mild throughout the park, but sub-freezing temperatures occasionally occur.
What else could happen, he asked, when people's main source of protection against sub-freezing temperatures is to roll themselves up in blankets at night?
Then for one entire week, seven long days, we drove through our course at sub-freezing temperature.
FCVs can now start and operate in sub-freezing temperatures, but there are still some performance concerns.
Collapsed power lines left more than 2.5 million of the region's residents without heat in sub-freezing temperatures.
Four days of sub-freezing temperatures during and after the storm hampered recovery efforts.
This was done as the band were frozen from shooting the video in sub-freezing temperatures the day before.
Jack Frost has the ability to generate sub-freezing temperatures.