Bennett made a virtue of this 'restriction' and his Hamlet, Prince of Denmark "was the first fully stylized production of the series."
When Eno recorded No New York, some of the sessions were done without much of the stylized production he was known for on other artists' albums.
The first of these was a stylized, all-male production of Mr. Sondheim's "Pacific Overtures" that played during the winter at the Shakespeare Theater.
So is the rationale of a stylized production that deludes itself as it struggles with the theme of self-delusion.
A less confident director than Mr. Grindley might have felt a need to postmodernize "Journey's End": to present its characters as social artifacts amid a severely stylized production.
Released in 1983, it was a departure from the stylized production of the band's first album, The Lexicon of Love, preferring a more guitar-oriented sound.
It is a filmed play whose highly stylized production is influenced by Noh theater.
It is precisely this reductive quality that tends to undercut the often-entrancing images of this highly stylized production.
This was largely deserved, too: despite a sometimes confusing, stylized production that in some scenes seemed to set the action inside a 30-foot-wide sewer pipe (albeit a gilded one), it was an engaging performance.
Surprise - "Rocky" is the most effectively stylized production, and the "floor show" staged by its creepy mad scientist unites the rock show choreography with the campy wit of the entire musical.