This Russian composer championed a kind of sensuous modernism that blurred the stylistic categories through which we often view his times.
Stylistics, that is, often uses not categories of the language as such, but special stylistic categories, derived, by abstraction and combination, from more basic linguistic categories.
We define it simply as the occurrence in a text of a linguistic or stylistic category (see 2.1).
Examples of stylistic categories are "balanced sentence", "alliteration", "personification".
The measurement of frequency depends on the existence of a clearly articulated set of linguistic and stylistic categories.
These regional variations have been roughly assigned the stylistic categories above.
These paintings do not fit into any stylistic category.
Perhaps this style could be called "geomorphic abstraction" - though apparently no such term can be found as a stylistic category in art history books.
The varieties of shields, helms, armour and weaponry vary according to date and location, but can still be organized into broad stylistic categories.
Once upon a time in the West, all African masks fell into one stylistic category: primitive.