With his penetrating blue eyes and stylishly cut blond hair, he looked like a successful, self-assured young intellectual.
He looked good in his dark suit, hair stylishly cut, smile flashing for the cameras.
Her hair, brunette, darker than I remembered, had been stylishly cut and it gave her the appearance of looking much younger.
The Admiral wore a black uniform of old-fashioned cloth, stylishly cut.
His short hair was cut stylishly, his clothing was quietly expensive.
She had chocolate brown hair, stylishly cut so that it brushed her cheeks.
She was in her middle to late thirties, with short dark hair, stylishly cut, framing a face that was bronzed by the sun.
His cloak was flowing, wine-red velvet, stylishly cut and vented.
Nobody does this better than Armani, who continued his stylishly cut, smoothly modern day clothes for women.
He had noticed the high-heeled boots she wore earlier and they were of thin burgundy leather, stylishly cut.