According to the Germans, leather will be an essential component of every stylish wardrobe next autumn.
Specifically, the role calls for someone who can perform his own stunts and maintain a stylish wardrobe that dares to match Oakley's melon-colored phase of the early 1990's.
She acquires a new hairdo, a stylish wardrobe and the conviction that confessing is the only way to lay the ghostly ram to rest.
When Hawkins became a solo performer, he often performed in a stylish wardrobe of leopard skins, red leather and wild hats.
She has blonde hair which she always tosses in front of boys, and Jane to make her feel uncomfortable, as well as a stylish wardrobe with several cashmere sweaters.
Don't hold their crossover success, stylish wardrobe and good looks against them.
But younger stars have embraced big city designers and consider a stylish wardrobe to be part of the package they are selling to the public.
A10 Mikhail Gorbachev's salary was reported and his wife's stylish wardrobe defended in an interview published by a newspaper in the Soviet republic of Moldavia.
The Chancellor's critics have carped at everything from his educational jargon to his stylish wardrobe to his failure to return phone calls.
Her aim was to fill what she referred to as "a void in the marketplace" for a stylish and practical wardrobe designed with working women in mind.